Wednesday 8 October 2008

Nike x "Dizzy"©™ - Blazers

So you're probably looking at these sneaks and thinking dayum dizzy that's a hot ass colourway where can I cop. Well no where because the only pair belong to me. Moose recently posted a video with alex nash customizing his joints, that gave me inspiration and I decided to give it a try. It's alot harder than it looks, if you're considering doing the same, my advice is don't. Unless you're certified dope with a paintbrush and that's not all you will need. You'll need acetone(nail polish remover),cotton balls,paint(duh),masking tape and a whole lotta time. Here's a tutorial if you're bored one day or you could hit me up with a sum and sneaks and I'd prolly be happy to help you.


1 comment:

  1. Not bad dizzy..Not bad at all..I like...Well Done, I never thought they'll look this GOOD.
