Monday 15 December 2008

Ozzie checks in...

Hey again kids, it has been a long time since I wrote anything, I did however post quiet a bit, but nothing that can be considered as writing. This post is no different.

I'm feeling slightly down and this track kinda matches the mood (it is really good, anyway), check it out, blu is that dude.

Before I sign-out, I want you all to check an album called 'The Death of Adam' by 88-keys, It is too good. Anyone can relate to it, especially if you are a guy. Also, the production and delivery are so different and fun, it tells a different story all the way from track 1 to track 14, all the stories are part of one big story. This album as a whole is an experience that I recommend.

Anyway, I'll try to write more often. I break for Christmas on the 19th, so that should increase my post count.


  1. Was a fun album at first listen, but cant see myself listening to it fully ever again. Friends Zone is awesome though and the album ending caught me offguard lol.

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